Nakamura Shido (中村獅童)

Shido NAKAMURA is a Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors) actor's professional name. The stage family name is Yorozuya Kinnosuke YOROZUYA. Current Shido NAKAMURA is the second. The Jomon (family crest) is Kiricho (paulownia leaves arranged in the shape of a butterfly). This name originated from the haimyo (also known as haimei, a kabuki actor's offstage name which can be used officially and privately) of Tokizo NAKAMURA (the third), the father of the first.

Shido NAKAMURA (the first)

He was also known as an actor under the real name Mikio OGAWA.

Shido NAKAMURA (the second)

He is the oldest son of the first. He was born on September 14, 1972.

[Original Japanese]